Are Liverpool about to receive their best news of the season?
Posted 22nd September 2010
Although last weekend certainly brought about a dark day for Liverpool fans, this week has brought with it far better news, with the announcement that co-owner Tom Hicks looks unlikely to be able to find a way to get enough cash to be able to take sole control of the club.
Having bought the club in order to use its profit-making capacity to increase his already considerable wealth, Liverpool have found themselves in an increasingly difficult position financially. Perhaps most crucially of all, they have failed to build the new stadium that would have been the source of Gillet and Hicks' increased wealth, something that has left the club unable to make investments that would have seen them make the step up from hopefuls to Premier League winners.
With the news that RBS are still likely to instigate proceedings that will see the club sold to anyone who can stump up the cash, Liverpool fans can now look forward to a fresh opportunity to see their side come under the control of new management, thus increasing the chance of increased investment into their side.
If these events do transpire, Liverpool fans will be aware that news might not be good, something that they will have learned through the experience with the club's American owners if nothing else. If the next owners are cut from the same cloth as the Americans, the club could continue to face the decline that it has been plagued with for the last few years. At the moment, no one would make Liverpool betting tips to win the title.
Should that occur, Liverpool may soon be in a position where the amount of league titles that United have looks as insurmountable as the 18 that Liverpool held once looked for United fans.
Meanwhile, the Notts Forest betting suggests the side are in for a tough season.
The Championship club would have been expecting to challenge for promotion, but that doesn't look like happening.